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Extension Level Models

Plumb-It Extendable Levels are available in 5 sizes:







*Regarding PIX-8.0 - Default setting for all 4 vials is for vertical reading. 
** Models PIX6.0 and PIX8.0 - vial orientation is customizable. Please contact us to have yours adjusted today!

The Plumb-It Extendable Level

was created by a carpenter,

for carpenters. 

Paul Semler saw the need for a tool that would plumb walls of any height. He worked diligently on his design through the evenings and weekends, while he invested his daylight hours into his contracting company. By 1984, he had begun producing his patented Plumb-It Extendable Level.

"The Original"

Now, his level is used throughout the world by tradesmen from many industries.

Steel workers, carpenters,  window specialists, framers, contractors, builders, quality inspectors, and countless others love their Plumb-It Extendable Level and the ease and precision it brings to their work.  


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